

read alouds

Debbie Diller Encore!

Debbie Diller is quickly becoming someone that I completely admire! When I *was* going to be teaching first grade I posted about the Math Work Stations book that she has. Now, that I am moving up to third grade I came across another one of her books called, Practice with Purpose. I have been sticky noting and highlighting like a crazy person!

Now, that I am moving to a new grade I have been reading non-stop! I want to do my best this year--which means-- I have a WHOLE LOT of learning to do before August 19th comes and those cute 'thirdies' walk in my classroom door!

Practice with Purpose offers great ideas for upper grades (3-6) and explains how to successfully implement meaningful literacy stations into the classroom. Boy, are stations different in third than in first! Basically, I have gathered that students are reading and responding, reading and responding some more and becoming creative writers!!

So far, I have made it to Chapter 5 in the text and I am becoming SO inspired to make these stations meaningful for my kids! --You know what that means---Yes, creative ideas for TPT!! :)

These are some of the questions I have had answered so far since reading this book! Thought it may help you out if you have some of the same!! :)

As I stated above, the stations contain different rigor and materials than a first grade classroom. These are the types of stations included in upper grades and here are snip-its of two of them. (I haven't read the whole book yet-check back next week for updates here) 

Alrighty, that's it for me today... We are moving to Columbus this weekend and I need to pack... Which means... I better get off of the ever-so-distracting computer! :)

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