

read alouds

FIVE FOR FRIDAY!-- New, News for you!!

This is the first time this year when I don't really mind that fact that it's Friday--not that big of a deal. Schools out, this week has been more than amazing and I get to spend my night with my Mamma! :)

I have some updates for you and 5 for Friday is the perfect way to share it with you!

Remember two blog posts ago when I said I was teaching first grade again and I got a job?...Well, that was true but plans have changed! I literally got 'hunted down' (as my new principle says) by my ALL TIME dream school to teach third grade! Here are the reasons I chose to switch:
1. I was flattered beyond belief that someone wanted me that bad. 
2. It's where I want my kids to go to school & it's 10 minutes from where we live
3. I LOVE my new principle -- we've talked everyday since her first phone call
4. The staff I have met so far is AWESOME!! -- I already feel like I belong!
5. Because it's my dream school---I had already been trying to get into this school and it happened!!

Third Grade Rocks

Now that I have a new grade I naturally begin thinking about the content, curriculum and all the fun things I can do with third graders!! I have already begun my third grade back to school packet!! 

Here is a sneak peek for you! :)
I am starting to put my married name on my products -- I LOVE IT!!

I am waiting on a book to arrive so I can add a literature unit in this packet and I have a parts of speech idea and......... some math fun too!! :) I am beyond excited about teaching third grade...not sure if you can tell! :)

Anyway, I hope to have this done within a week or 2... probably 2! :)

Since, I am moving to third grade I have been on the search for some great books to help me still teach in my workshop approach but make it super effective for my new THIRDIES? -- can I call them that?

In first grade we focused a lot on phonics and simple comprehension strategies. I know in third grade there won't be as much of that and comprehension place a BIG part in the curriculum. I hope this helps! :)

This book tells how to make meaningful literacy stations in the 3-6 classroom.
You all know me... I LOVE stations and I want to figure out a way to keep them but make them purposeful and meaningful for this age group.

This basically has resources, lesson examples and activities to use for math instruction.
At this school we have a lot of freedom with the math curriculum. I'm excited to be able to do full blown math workshop but I need some guidance with the content and curriculum.

This says it all! :)

I am also doing a giveaway that ends in 2 days! Don't forget to enter and win summer literacy stations (perfect for first and second grade)-- and $5.00 TPT gift card!

I haven't really done anything else this week other than all of the above... so, here are pictures of my new room! :) It's literally double the size of my first grade room at my old school which makes for one very, very happy teacher!

I haven't done anything to it so don't mind the mess! :)

I've also been racking my brain trying to figure out how to organize student tables AND how to use up the space! :)


  1. Wow your new room is huge! I am so jealous! Congratulations on the new job...third grader is such a great age!
    Endeavors in Education

  2. Hello! I teach 3rd grade, and it's a great grade to teach! I'm impressed that you're already making new material. Of course, I'm still in school until June 24th so I'm still making plans for what to teach now.

    Congratulations on your new job, and I'm looking forward to checking out your new products!

  3. Congrats on your new position in 3rd grade! You'll have a busy summer!!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT

  4. Congrats on your new job!! You will love teaching third. I taught third before I switched to second and it was a great grade to teach!!


  5. I loved this post! Full of happiness and fun. So basically there wasn't any reason NOT to take this new offer! That's anyones dream job! I've had my kids with me in the private school I teach in all their lives. It's amazing. And I love everything about it, except that it is a private school and the salary is peanuts compared to what I should be getting at this stage. Sooo I sometimes contemplate changing. Good luck with all your new endeavors. I teach 2nd but I can't wait to see what sort of stuff you come up with for third.
