

read alouds

Assess Me!

Today, I'm linking up with Rachel from The Tattooed Teacher for this fun little Assess Me link-up! This week, she posed yes or no questions.... and I giggled while I completed a few of them! So, let's see what I answered shall we?!


As I filled these in, I had some funny thoughts, so why not share?
1. I don't talk to myself out loud... but my mind is always racing!!
2. I am superstitious! My biggest one is probably opening and umbrella indoors will bring bad luck...  I cringeeee!!
3. I only crack my knuckles when I wash my hands?! I know, weird right? It just feels so good! 
4. I just ate two large pancakes... so, nope... not hungry just yet! :-)
5. My T.V. is on.. to HGTV! It's my 'white noise' while I get my TPT on! :)
6. I got my wisdom teeth out when I was 18! It hurt so bad!
7. I have no showered today.... I also didn't get out of bed until 11:00... can you say tired?
8. I went to Disney with my family when I was younger! LOVED IT!
9. I wear glasses to see far distances... or if I just feeling like feeling 'smart!' :-)
10. I still live in good ol' Ohio!!

Alright, now it's your turn! Link up with Rachel and get your assessment on!


  1. I feel like watching HGTV is a requirement while working on TPT/blogging stuff. It's always on in my house! And glad to know that I'm not the only sleepyhead who slothed around in bed until practically noon this morning :)

    Paiges of Learning

  2. the ladder is up in my classroom and I literally walked around two tables just so I could pick something up on the other side of it...never walk under a ladder! ha!

  3. I love your answers and explanations. I also love how different our answers are. While most of yours are yes, mine are mostly no. I just got glasses for the first time last September. It is so nice to be able to see who the person is at the other end of the hall, rather than try to remember what colour someone wore that day. It's also nice to look smart too :)

    @ Wiley Teaching

  4. It sounds like we are pretty similar! Except I have yet to have my wisdom teeth out. I am too scared! :-/

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press

  5. Now, I said I was not superstitious until I read your comment about umbrellas- I do that, too! I also notice Rachel's comment above that she doesn't walk under ladders! Gah! I might be superstitious! Have a great week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  6. When I got my wisdom teeth out my cheeks swelled so much I looked like a chipmunk! I was 16 at the time.

  7. I love watching HGTV in the background...I'm recently addicted to the Tiny House episodes.

    Teaching Doodles
