

read alouds

Linky Party

I know that I do not have many followers on my blog; but I still love doing it and hope that somewhere out there someone is reading my blog. <3

I have decided to join in on the linky party... boy do I have some resolutions!

1. My number one resolution is to just breathe.  I am overworking my self.  I am trying very hard to do this blogging thing and do really well on Tpt.  I need to take a break and live in the now.

2. Become ORGANIZED! I have such a teeny tiny room and no storage bins! (okay maybe like 10) Really??!! 10 in first grade! :)

I want to organize units into monthly binders! (I am thinking that this will be a summer project)
Monthly binders
Pinterest Inspiration

3. Find a way to be closer to my boyfriend.  Living by myself this year is getting a tad bit lonely... He works/lives an hour away so we will have to meet in the middle next year.

4. Spending time with my puppies.  My poor puppies are always with me when I am  at home but I am always working. :( Thank goodness for unconditional love from them.

5. Spend time with my friends.  I have the greatest friends in the world.  I need to stop being such a homebody and get out and see my friends more often!


6. Spend more time with family.* I see them quite a bit; but I would like to see them even more!

Have a Happy New Year!!!


I have been bored!

I was looking forward to my Holiday break and it has been fantastic but BOY have I been bored!  So, I have been creating, creating, creating!!  Just wanted to share what I have made!

Click the covers to check it out!


Holiday Activities

 Last week was all about the gingerbread man and students had a ball!  We did a lot of writing and the students made little books to take home to parents.  We learned about our 5 senses by using a gingerbread cookies and then wrote about our cookies! Below are some picture... the kids told me we should do lessons with food more often ;) lol

 This week was all about reindeer.  We began reading non-fiction text... which they love and so do I.  They finally get in new and meaningful vocabulary.  Today students learned about herbivores. We talked about how they do not eat meat... so they do not eat any chicken nuggest, no turkey, no animals in the woods... etc.  They got a good laugh out of it and I bet it sticks! ;)

Here is a picture of one of the kiddos reindeer book that they are creating for a christmas present.  We will be wrapping these up in wrapping paper and students will put them under their tree for their parents.  (They're idea) 

Monday we will be making Reindeer Glymph's and then doing some math activities with it.

The reindeer lesson is from Deanna Jump's Reindeer unit.  You can get it on TPT.


Literacy station PROBLEMS! solution?

So, my first year of teaching feels like a HUGE MESS!! Today was a complete disaster and I vented to a colleague today.  I feel like I do not ever get anything finished! I feel like I can plan maybe 3 activities/lessons a day and barely finish them.. I figured it up and I have my kids for 1 hour and 25 min in the morning, the same in the afternoon after lunch and the same after recess and snack! I know that there is a way that I can make it work so I went on a HUNT tonight for a way to make it work.  My biggest problem is my literacy block!! I want to do the daily 5 and I want to do (need to do) guided reading groups! I also want to do a whole class activity-- also a must do.  So... on my hunt I did find some great ideas.  I re-did my lesson plan template for the.... 7th time now?  Ugh!! Hopefully this one works... I was using notebook and paper--writing out my times and specials every time... no thank you!

So, on Deanna Jumps blog I saw her lesson plan template... Love it so I am trying it.  Here it is:

So, I am hoping that this template will work..

My next struggle has been the literacy centers... I want my students to be accountable for their work and work independently.. I have been trying to jam all 4 stations (minus listening to reading--do that during snack (;)  in one day and wanting students to get each task done at each stations... keep in mind only 10 minutes at each station... If students did not finish their work then they put it in their work folder to work on for tomorrow but here is the catch--- there was something new because other students need something to do because they are done with the work from yesterday.  So, now I have another problem... students are behind and how am I supposed to catch them up? BAHHH It makes my head pound!  

So, SOLUTION to this problem (I HOPE)  Deanna Jump again! Thank you!!

She has a name for each of her groups. I was so creative with mine this year.  They're 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  ha ha.  Next year when it is not my first year of teaching I will think of this before hand!  Basically what she does is put up the group names on the wall then puts a picture (station) under the group name.  The first picture is the station that they go to first and the most important station: meaning they have to get that task done before they can move onto their next station -- the next picture under their group name.  This is where the fun but essential stations can fit in-- that I never seem to be able to fit in.  So, I will switch the first station each day for each group then hopefully my students complete the work that I really want them to complete.  In my perfect little mind I see my students doing this and on Friday they are all finished with all of the required work ;)... I hope this works!!  

This is Deanna Jumps class: this is where I got the idea from...

Then I also have a TEEENY room... like literally the size of someones bedroom.  There is room for 4 desks... barely my desk... and some shelves.  Oh and a rug that the desks are on... yah thats safe? lol

SO,  of course Deanna Jump again she claims to also have a small room-- does not look near as tiny as mine but anyway.  She puts the station icons (pictures) on the plastic drawers.  Then she places the stations activity in the drawer.  The group has a captain that is in charge of taking the drawer to where ever they are working.  The kiddos complete the activity and when done; they return the drawer! bahh!! amazing!  

I was having trouble with this because I was trying  to lay out everything in my teeny tiny room and basically it just did not work and students got confused and so did I!  I will put her pictures on here in case you are also having these same problems.

Also, if you are not already following her blog then, well you need to.  She is saving my life right now :)