This week my little firsties had their wonderful standardized tests -- and can I just say that I'm glad it's over. They were worn out by the end of the weekend and ready for their weekend off! ;) -- so, was their teacher!!
Even with testing we had a super busy week! Here we go!!
1. This week in math our main focus was symmetry! I drew half of a flower and we completed a whole group lesson on symmetry together. The kids had indoor recess so I let them color the flower. :)
Turned out pretty cute!!
We discussed strategies to use when trying to make things symmetrical in terms of drawing. The kids tried really hard to make things the same width on each side and at the same level. I think they did a pretty good job!
After this whole group lessons the students faces were cut in half and they drew the other halves of their faces. I wish you could see them--they're so cute!
2. We squeezed in a little bit of living & non-living this week! This will be continuous lesson before and after spring break! We went over vocabulary here:
We looked at pictures of living and non-living things and then students got to draw a a picture of a living thing. Then they gave a reason to explain why it was a living thing. Love lessons like this! :) They're so open ended and I get so much creativity from the kids!
3. This week was also all about March Madness with a mix of dinosaurs!! I'll be doing a blog post on this unit when we finish it but here are some pictures for now! :)
Here we worked on predicting and learning to confirm our predictions.
These are the books we used because we learned all about fiction VS non-fiction!
This Dino-Basketball Unit can be found Here:
The literacy stations can found here:
We also dug into our basketball literacy stations to review lots of fun concepts!
I also finished updating another unit that I made last year and OMG I can't wait to dig into it with my kids!!
It focuses on how the sun provides energy which is a pretty big science standard that first graders need to hit! I also made it align with reading and writing standards! It's a fun and comprehensive unit!
5. Now, I just had to save the best for last! This past weekend I attended my first blogger meet-up! I literally had so much fun and I want to do it again like ASAP!! Here are some pictures!:)
That's all for today!! I'll be back next time to share my Dino-Basketball Unit in full force!! :)
Meanwhile, enjoy your Friday & weekend! Let's pray it warms up!

Glad to hear your meet up met your expectations. Looked like a great time. Our family is into basketball madness, too.