

read alouds

Our Second Week!!

Last week went by so quickly! We read a lot of books, responded to text, discussed rules of reading and writers workshop and began writing in our journals. That's a mouthful!
We are GREAT at independently reading and writing! The students made this transition so easy so we were able to jump right in to learning! We learned that while we read, we need to always THINK! I read the students a story and during the read aloud students wrote down thoughts and questions about the book. 
Here is the chart we created together! It was very neat to see how many of the students had the same thoughts and/or questions about the book!

We also read, "The Wednesday Surprise" and worked on responding to text. I wanted to see how well students responded to text. We simply read the book, discussed it and then I had students choose two questions to answer. 
The Wednesday Surprise

Math workshop was in full swing this week! It's amazing how well these students grasp rules and procedures! We can just jump right on it and start learning!! We'll see a lot of growth this year!
We continued to work on number patterns to review number sense! 

Everything we used this week was from my Teach Me Math - Number Patterns unit!

On Friday, we completed a number pattern craft that is now displayed in our hallway!

We worked on coming up with our own number patterns when given a rule to follow.

We were working on number pattern task cards.

Students began to explore the base 10 blocks!


 In Reading: We are going to be learning how to use sensory details (5 senses) to create mental images while we read a story. 
In Writing: We are taking a step back and telling oral stories to classmates. We need to focus on story elements and identify WHAT it takes to actual make a narrative (story about themselves) story. We will be charting the different elements and we'll use that chart as a reference through out narrative writing unit.
In Math: We are discussing/reviewing place value to the 100 and 1,000's place. Then, we are learning about standard form, written form and expanded form numbers!
In Grammar: I've noticed that we are forgetting to use correct punctuation or even using punctuation at the end of sentences. We are going to take this week to review the three different ending punctuation marks. We will work on using them through interactive activities! 
In Science/Health: We are learning how to take care of ourselves through healthy eating, exercising and making good choices.
In Phonics: We are getting our first list of spelling words. We are taking a pre-test tomorrow. If students get certain words correct and I feel they are ready for a challenge then, they'll 'shop' for new words. They'll bring home their spelling lists tomorrow and our tests will be Friday.
Vocabulary: We are reading the book, "Twilight Comes Twice." We are pulling new words out of the text to expand our vocabulary. Each day we will learn and use two new words. Friday, we are taking a quiz over the words. (all together this week) The words will be sent home tomorrow.

Yes... busy, busy week!!! :) 
Lots of learning and fun will be happening this week!

This is our focus wall. This is where learning targets are stated so students know what they're learning each day.

We *might* begin to learn about our reading workshop rotations?! This is a more interactive way to get students engaged in a variety of texts and to allow them to work on different comprehension strategies each day!

You can grab the station cards here!

I hope you have a great week!!!


  1. Looks like you are off to a great start to the school year and loving 3rd grade! Can't wait to read about the rest of your year. Have a great week!


  2. Looks like you are loving life in 3rd grade! Can't wait to read about the rest of your year. Have a great week!

