We've officially made it through our first week of first grade! We have a lot of work to do to get our routine set in place, but by Friday I could already see little first graders appearing! ;-)
We got a lot accomplished, so I will just do a quick rundown of some of our accomplishments from our week! :-)
When students arrived, they worked on a coloring page. Afterwards, we read the book. "The Night Before First Grade."
Afterwards, we decided how we felt the night before and wrote the number by the feeling.
Then, we talked about why someone would feel that way.
After our little mini-lesson, we completed our writing and craft that you see below.
It was so fun to see their reasons. <3 first="" grade="" i="" love="" p="" writing="">
On the second day of school, I introduced Read to Self to students and we began to build our stamina! So, far we are doing pretty well! We have gone back and forth between 2 and 4 minutes! Yes! We made it 4 minutes one day... I will be honest, it was our second attempt! ;-)

Here students are working with pattern blocks and exploring unifix cubes. I also wanted to give students some experience with dice, so they simply rolled the dice and practiced writing that number on their whiteboard. :-)

Here students are working independently on their interactive math journal page and filling in a 120 number grid.
We also started writers workshop and broke out our writing journals!
One of our writers workshop activities this week was a simple, all about me writing. I read the book, "I Like Myself" and we had a fun little discussion! :)
After our discussion, we completed our all about me writing activity!
Throughout the week, we also did a few spelling and sound assessments so I could see where students are at with their phonics skills!
On day 3 of school, I introduced word work and we did a read and roll activity from The Brown Bag Teacher. Her word work activities are going to save me this year! The kids were so engaged!
On day 4, I introduced students to Write the Room. We did a mini-lesson on capitals and lowercase letters then, the kids were off! They LOVED it!! We'll be doing short a spelling this coming week and they got a peek at the next write the room activity! ;-)
This week, we were also introduced to Mr. Check-In!
I will be doing CAFE this year and we were just ready to meet our new friend! So, in we jumped!
First, I introduced the importance of understanding what we read. Then, introduced them to our friend, Mr. Check-In. I read the book, and all we did was focus on the WHO and the WHAT questions.
After I read the book, we answered the questions. Then, glued Mr. Check-In (or MRS. as the girls say) to our reading notebooks!
The students were introduced to our CAFE board and we placed our first menu item under the C!
Last, but not least.... We began to explore math manipulatives.
We talked about how they are tools and not toys.
We also were introduced to our Interactive Math Journals!
We even completed an activity independently!! Yayy!
Here we are in action!
Many of the activities are from Kristen Smith's Guided Math Quarter 1 Unit.
Here students are working on making numbers with play-dough, writing their numbers and building the number in a ten frame. Students are also working to build towers with the unifix cubes to work on number sense skills.

Here students are working with pattern blocks and exploring unifix cubes. I also wanted to give students some experience with dice, so they simply rolled the dice and practiced writing that number on their whiteboard. :-)
Here students are working independently on their interactive math journal page and filling in a 120 number grid.
I hope your enjoying your time with your kiddos!!
I can't wait to watch mine grow in to BIG FIRST GRADERS!!
I love it! Looks like a great first week!